TMJ Pain Relief in Richmond, Katy, Rosenberg, Pecan Grove, Greatwood TX
If you are facing strong headaches, jaw pain, and severe toothaches, it is an indication for you to get checked for TMJ pain relief in Katy. TMJ or temporomandibular joints act like a bridge connecting the skull and lower jaw with ligaments and muscles. TMJ disorders can happen due to arthritis, dislocation, and trauma. TMJ symptoms often occur on one or both sides of the face. Read on to discover more information regarding TMJ from below.
Appliances to Improve Your Bite Function and TMJ Pain Relief in Katy

In many ways, keeping your teeth free of harmful oral bacteria is the backbone of preventive dentistry. Sometimes, however, maintaining the health and integrity of your smile means addressing a problem with your bite’s function. Bruxism (chronic teeth-grinding) and TMJ disorder (jaw dysfunction) affect your bite function if not addressed properly. Because the two conditions are often related, many patients require treatment for both TMJ Pain Relief in Katy. Fortunately, that can often be achieved with the help of a custom-designed oral appliance. The appliance helps protect teeth from grinding against each other and allows your TMJs to rest and heal comfortably.
Treating the Effects of Bruxism and TMJ Disorder with TMJ Pain Relief in Katy

When left untreated, bruxism can cause your teeth to run together so forcefully that they wear each other down. It can also damage your temporomandibular joints (TMJs), making it difficult for your jaw to move comfortably. Therefore, treating bruxism and TMJ disorder may require more involved treatments such as TMJ Pain Relief in Katy. For instance, porcelain crowns can rebuild compromised tooth structure or MTM® aligners can correct bite misalignment. After a comprehensive examination, we’ll consult with you to determine which treatment or combination of treatments such as TMJ Pain Relief in Katy will offer the most successful results.
8 Effective Methods to Get Relief From TMJ Pain in Katy:
- Changing and maintenance of proper posture can dramatically impact the pain
- Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, a healthy lifestyle can greatly impact the stress levels and reduce them
- Properly following sleep cycles are essential
- Controlling and getting rid of bad habits such as teeth and jawbone grinding, chewing lips or cheeks, nail-biting, bite issues, etc can create an impact on the development of the TMJ pain
- A hot and cold compress can reduce swelling, pain, and improvement of blood circulation in the affected area, and improve muscle stiffness
- Proper jaw exercises also enhance blood circulations and mobility
- Avoiding certain hard foods items and taking large bites while eating
- Not delaying visiting the dentist
How Long Will It Take to Get TMJ Pain Relief in Katy?
Depending on the severity of the condition for most individuals it can take 18 months to three years for the treatment to function. Depending on the intensity of therapy TMJ pain can be properly measured.
Risk of Not Getting TMJ Pain Relief in Katy:
- Female hormones like estrogen can play a vital role in the growth of TMJ pain
- Long term case of stress and anxiety
- Poor maintenance of body posture
- Hypermobility of joint
Stop Suffering from Bruxism or TMJ Disorder with TMJ Pain Relief in Katy
Our experienced team provides TMJ treatment such as TMJ Pain Relief in Katy to help you get relief from the pain you are going through. We serve the people of Richmond TX and other surrounding areas such as Katy, Rosenberg, Pecan Grove & Greatwood. Our experienced dentist has a complete solution to all your TMJ issues and needs.
The relationship between bruxism and TMJ disorder means that hesitating to seek treatment for one could lead to the development or progression of the other, as well. For more information about TMJ Pain Relief in Katy, how to treat bruxism and TMJ disorder, schedule a consultation by calling Family Dental Corner in Richmond, TX, today at (832) 847-7863
FAQs on TMJ Pain Relief in Richmond, and Katy, TX
What Is The Best Medicine for TMJ Pain Relief?
The best medicine for TMJ pain relief in Katy is over-the-counter pain killers such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen. The other way for TMJ pain relief without surgery are:
- Maintaining good resting position of your jaw.
- Get a good night sleep
- Apply a hot or cold compress
- Reduce stress
- Exercise your jaw
What Are The Signs That Indicate You Need TMJ Pain Relief?
Here are 4 signs you need TMJ pain relief in Katy that includes:
- Severe facial pain.
- Very difficult in moving the joints.
- Tenderness of joint muscles and ligaments.
- Health conditions such as habitual grinding of teeth, growth disorders, and arthritis can contribute to the growth of TMJ disorders throughout the years if not treated properly.