Asking Your Dentist For Help With TMJ Disorder And Bruxism

TMJ disorder and bruxism can be challenging problems for patients. Bruxism, a persistent issue with teeth grinding, is difficult for you to manage on your own because you grind your teeth at night, when you are not aware it is happening. TMJ disorder can create problems with chronic headaches, neck stiffness, and other pains around your face and head that you may not realize are a byproduct of jaw troubles. Fortunately, your Richmond, TX dentist is ready to help you manage these problems. If you wait too long to act, you can suffer more issues, particularly with dental damage caused by teeth grinding.
How Can I Tell If I Am Having Issues With TMJ Disorder And/Or Bruxism?
Because bruxism sufferers are grinding their teeth while they sleep, they are not able to recognize that the problem is happening as it happens. With that said, you can pay attention to symptoms that greet you when you wake. Are you typically waking up with pain or sensitivity in your teeth and face? This could suggest you spent the night with your jaw clenched. TMJ disorder can have different effects you feel during the day. The problem can manifest through persistent headaches, through jaw stiffness and soreness, and from other pains in your face and neck.
Protecting Your Smile, And Addressing Discomfort, With A Special Oral Appliance
If you are found to have problems with TMJ disorder and bruxism (the two are commonly linked), your dentist can talk to you about a special oral appliance to deliver relief. An appliance can be custom-made to keep your jaw joints in a more comfortable position at night. This can relieve the tension that affects your jaw joints and muscles. You can also rely on a mouth guard to protect your teeth while you sleep, so you can stop yourself from clenching to the point of damaging them. If damage does occur, your dentist can discuss the appropriate restorative dental work to repair the harm.
Regular Dental Visits Help You Keep Up With Your Overall Oral Health
Seeing your dentist for regular exams can help you defend yourself against the long-term effects of untreated oral health issues. When it comes to cavity care, early detection can lead to the treatment of a cavity before you need a root canal and a dental crown. TMJ disorder and bruxism can be addressed so you spend less time in pain, and so you can stop the issue before chipping or cracking teeth because of forceful teeth grinding.
Family Dental Corner Can Help You Address Problems With TMJ Disorder And Bruxism
At Family Dental Corner, you can count on effective care for problems like bruxism and TMJ disorder. Our practice is prepared to help you manage your oral health when problems arise, in addition to helping you maintain your healthy smile through regular exams and cleanings. You can set an appointment by calling Family Dental Corner in Richmond, TX, today at (832) 847-7863.