Making Terrific Smile Changes Through Cosmetic Work

Making Terrific Smile Changes Through Cosmetic Work

Your Richmond, TX dentist’s office is ready to provide the appropriate care when you have a dental problem. If your problem is less about the health of your smile, and more about your appearance, you can certainly enjoy help. With the right procedure, you can see positive changes that address unhealthy teeth, as well as problems with misshapen, discolored, or poorly sized teeth. If you want to do something about poor dental alignment, you can make an appointment to learn more about MTM aligners. These aligners are focused on correcting teeth that are prominent in your smile, and they can lead to results in less time than you might expect!

What Kind Of Smile Issues Are You Interested In Changing?

Your dentist can perform one of several different treatments if you need to do something about your smile. A whitening treatment can be provided at the office, or you can take home a kit that can provide professional results. If you are worried about teeth that look unattractive due to their size, or because of their shape, porcelain veneers can help. Veneers can fix congenital problems, and they can help improve a smile affected by wear and tear.

The Right Treatment Can Lead To Improvements In Less Time Than You Might Think

You can be pleasantly surprised to learn that cosmetic dental work can be completed in less time than you anticipate. With a whitening treatment, it is possible to see improvements after a single visit to your dentist’s office! Porcelain veneers can often be created and placed in two appointments. If you want to make orthodontic improvements, you may believe you are going to go through a long and involved process. MTM aligners can actually help you make those corrections in less time, as they are designed to target alignment issues with your front teeth.

Talk To Family Dental Corner About Making Changes To Your Smile

At Family Dental Corner, you can enjoy cosmetic dental care that leads to great smile changes! We are proud to offer a range of different services, and we are committed to making sure you enjoy improvements you are excited to show the world. To learn more about the care we offer our patients, please contact us at our Richmond, TX dental office by calling (832) 847-7863.

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Dr. Abouassaf and her team are always happy to welcome new patients. To learn more about our compassionate and highly skilled team, schedule a consultation with us by calling Family Dental Corner in Richmond, TX, today at (832) 847-7863

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