What To Anticipate While Opting To Affix Porcelain Veneers?

What To Expect When Getting Porcelain Veneers? | Katy

A dental investment that can be life-changing for many is cosmetic dentistry. If you look for the best 'cosmetic dentistry near me Katy' on the internet, the name of Family Dental Corner will show up in the top results. Consider Dr. Sally A. Abouassaf's impeccable service for affixing dental veneers. In our previous blog, we have explained 10 things you need to know before getting porcelain veneers in Katy. Family Dental Corner is one of the best dental clinics that offers the best porcelain veneers in Katy.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

A veneer is a very thin layer of ceramic that your dentist places on the front of your tooth to hide a tiny flaw. It might be an effective front-tooth cosmetic dentistry solution. Veneers usually only require a tiny bit of tooth enamel removal to ensure that they are securely attached to your teeth.

The tooth that gets porcelain veneer will not look different, they are made as a perfect fit. Veneers in Katy do not require constant dental office visits except for regular dental routines.

Procedure and Expectations About Porcelain Veneers in Katy:

After a consultation and a complete oral check, your dentist will give a proper date and a cost estimate for the treatment. On your first visit, the dentist will scrape out 0.05mm of the enamel on the tooth and small drilling will be done without local anesthesia for the removal of the tooth. Then, your dentist will take an impression and send it to the lab to get the final veneer done, the time limit will be at least two weeks.

On your second visit, your dentist will check the color, shape, and size of your porcelain veneers in Katy. If your dentist is not happy with the match then he/she will change the look by using many shades of bonding glue. A cleaning process will be done to remove any particles that will interfere with the bonding process. The dental dam is placed in your mouth to avoid the saliva covering the teeth. A gel base is applied on the teeth and a dental cement behind the veneer and placed. To keep the veneers in place a curing light is focused on them.

After The Procedure of Porcelain Veneers in Katy:

Some experience tooth sensitivity when consuming hot and cold food or liquids. However, the discomfort will reduce soon. Some can feel the front teeth against the tongue or when talking.


Veneers in Katy last for seven to twenty years. If proper care is taken and the dentist's advice is followed, then veneers will have a long life. Porcelain Veneers in Katy is staining and decay-resistant.


Choose the right cosmetic dentist offering the best cosmetic dentistry near you in Katy and schedule your appointments accordingly. Dr. Sally A. Abouassaf and her team at the Family Dental Corner, offer the best cosmetic dentistry services in Katy. If you are in Richmond, Rosenberg, Pecan Grove, Katy, and Greatwood TX, approach Dr. Sally A. Abouassaf at FAmily Dental Corner right away.

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Dr. Abouassaf and her team are always happy to welcome new patients. To learn more about our compassionate and highly skilled team, schedule a consultation with us by calling Family Dental Corner in Richmond, TX, today at (832) 847-7863

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